Catholic Campus Ministry Announcements
September 25th, 2011
First Mass on Campus of the Semester
-Our next Mass on Campus is Sunday, October 23rd at 5:30pm in Litrenta Lecture Hall in Toll Science Center.
-The CCM Executive Board created a survey if you wouldn’t mind filling it out at dinner, this way we have an idea of how we can meet your needs.
-We are planning on having a Fall Retreat this semester. We had a really great turnout in the spring and we are really excited for a Fall Retreat.
-If you are interested in getting involved on the Executive Board, please let one of the officers know. We will be happy to give you more information about what being on the Executive Board entails.
-If you are interested in getting involved in music ministry, working with the blog, lecturing, being an Eucharistic Minister, a part of the dinner group or anything else, please see me, one of the other officers, or Dan Ashe.
-We are also on Facebook. Search Washington College Catholic Campus Ministry.