CCM seeks to serve the Catholic students of Washington College in Chestertown, MD. Our goal is to assist and support members in their exploration of the Catholic faith through liturgy, fellowship, and close partnership with Sacred Heart Parish. With the parish, we also provide means for the students of the college to practice their faith and participate in various community outreach programs throughout the year. All of our activities are open to all members of the college and community regardless of their religion. Check back frequently for updates on events!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September Announcements

Catholic Campus Ministry Announcements

September 25th, 2011

First Mass on Campus of the Semester

-CCM normally attends the 11:30 Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart. Afterwards we tend to have Brunch in the Dining Hall together. In addition, there is a 5:00pm Saturday Mass, and a 9:15 am Sunday Mass.

-Our next Mass on Campus is Sunday, October 23rd at 5:30pm in Litrenta Lecture Hall in Toll Science Center.

-The CCM Executive Board created a survey if you wouldn’t mind filling it out at dinner, this way we have an idea of how we can meet your needs.

-We are planning on having a Fall Retreat this semester. We had a really great turnout in the spring and we are really excited for a Fall Retreat.

-If you are interested in getting involved on the Executive Board, please let one of the officers know. We will be happy to give you more information about what being on the Executive Board entails.

-If you are interested in getting involved in music ministry, working with the blog, lecturing, being an Eucharistic Minister, a part of the dinner group or anything else, please see me, one of the other officers, or Dan Ashe.

-We are also on Facebook. Search Washington College Catholic Campus Ministry.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mass on Campus Today!

Just a friendly reminder that CCM will be having our First Mass on Campus today at 5:30pm in Litrenta Lecture Hall in Toll Science Center! Come join us for Mass, Fellowship and dinner :) It is going to be AWESOME!

Meet and Greet Photos

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mass on Campus and other events!

Just wanted to let you know that CCM will be having our First Mass on Campus Sunday, September 25th at 5:30pm in Litrenta Lecture Hall in Toll Science Center! Come join us for Mass, Fellowship and dinner :)
Just a few other announcements and previews for the rest of the semester and year!
Campus Christian Fellowship meets every Wednesday at 9:00pm in the CAC Forum.
Our other Masses on Campus this semester are:
October 23rd and December 4th
We will be going Christmas Caroling after the December 4th Mass on Campus
We will be having a Christmas Service Project on December 9th
Our other Masses on Campus for the year are:
February 26th, April 22nd, and May 6th. We will be having a big picnic after our May Mass on Campus!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Events This Week!

Tonight there is Girl's Bible Study at 8:30pm in Sassafras. We will be meeting on the first floor and then moving up to the third floor. We would love for you to join us!
There is a Men's Bible Study that is forming. Once I know the day and time I will let you know.
Campus Christian Fellowship meets every Wednesday at 9:00pm in the CAC Forum. It was great to see everyone there last week.
Friday is Club Fair, so check out the CCM/CCF Table!
CCM will be attending the 11:30am Mass this Sunday at Sacred Heart. We will be meeting at 11:10am in Martha Washington Square to walk over together. We will be going to brunch in the Dining Hall after Mass and would love for you to join us!