Let's talk some more about kind eyes.
When Jesus met the woman at the well, he had been through it. He'd had a long journey. He was tired and hot. He didn't even go into town with his disciples to get food. He sent them and sat at the well because he was so tired, and thirsty.
So he asked a woman for a drink.
But she wasn't just any woman. This woman had been broken. She'd had five husbands and now was with another man. She couldn't draw water with the other women from town. She was an outcast in every facet of the word. She was a freak. And she kind of laughed at Jesus when he asked her for a drink, because who would ask her?
Jesus knew all this inside of her. He knew her pain and her trials and her sorrow.
But he, like us, had been through his own trials. He'd danced his way backwards in high heels. He was tired. And thirsty.
What mattered to him most? Her.
Today's question is the same. What matters most to you? We all have our own struggles, within and without Lent. During Lent we have additional struggles, in the form of fasting. Is that all we're focusing on? Are our struggles keeping us from loving our neighbors? Because it's meant to be the other way around. Don't be afraid to cut out the worldly supplies in your life. What matters are the heavenly gifts. Like the souls and bodies around us.
So are you focusing on getting some water from this well? Or the woman sitting next to you?
Have a focused day
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